Disclaimer for Intake Forms

In our Intake Forms, we ask for some limited health history from you. We ask these questions because health coaching guidance can be more useful if we know the overall context. In addition:

1. We may want to encourage and advise you to consult with your medical professionals for any disease conditions.

2. We may in the future be able to refer you to various networks of healthcare professionals, and therefore it will be easier if we have a more complete record of your overall wellness.

Having said that, as noted below, we are only providing coaching guidance— focusing on lifestyle, habits, and goals—and never giving you medical or psychological advice about the underlying condition.

Disclaimer for Website and Coaching Program

Company’s programs provide clients with a generalized health education and advocacy program that empowers, teaches, and educates clients to improve health and wellness. The Website and coaching programs are educational and informational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical, psychological or nutritional advice, opinion, diagnosis, treatment, or guarantee. Developments in medical research may impact the health, fitness and nutritional information that appears here. No assurance can be given that the information contained in this site will always include the most recent findings or developments with respect to the particular material. You may discover there are other methods and materials to accomplish the same end result. The program’s content and coaching service is not intended to create and does not constitute any professional relationship between Company and you, and does not create any doctor-patient or any other professional relationship, including a nutritional or dietician relationship, with the Company. Even if those providing information via the coaching program or website display professional licensure or other credentials in the healing arts, or cite clinical trials or other medical literature, they are limited to providing information, support, encouragement, guidance and education, and are not providing any clinical service via the Website.

Disclaimer for Testimonials

Maybe have this on the Website and with the program’s additional disclaimers above, or anywhere you have testimonials (ex. On the testimonial page).

Consumers generally may not be expected to achieve the same or similar results as others who have used our services and who have subsequently written or recorded video testimonials and endorsements. We make no guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding any health outcome or about the completeness, reliability or accuracy of the information. All information is presented “as is,” use at your own risk, and make your own health and wellness decisions.

Although I am a licensed pharmacist, the information I am providing is educational. This is not professional advice nor does it create a professional relationship or any other type of relationship between us. You should always consult your own doctor before making any changes to your healthcare. My goal is to educate, guide, consult, and empower my clients regarding their health and wellness. I believe that with my support and guidance you can achieve your health and wellness goals in a spirited and resilient way. Always consult your licensed healthcare providers and never disregard or delay medical advice based on information posted on this page or post.

Disclaimer for Emails

Any information provided by Digestive Reset (“Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) through email is not intended to create and does not constitute a professional relationship between you and us and does not create any doctor-patient or any other professional relationship. The information provided in any of our communications is not a substitute for a medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment, or other professional healthcare. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your medical doctor or psychologist or appropriate healthcare provider.

Email communications with us should never be used to communicate protected health information, nor to comply with HIPAA. If your engagement of our services necessitates the sharing of protected health information, we will provide HIPAA-compliant means to do so[MS2] . Only share personal health information through our designated HIPAA-compliant channels. If you do share any protected health information through email, you do so at your own risk.

If you think you have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

Never disregard or delay medical advice received from your licensed healthcare provider based on information provided in our communications. Always consult your physician, psychologist, or licensed healthcare provider before seeking any new treatment, or before you alter, suspend, or initiate any change in your medical or psychological treatment, medication or herbal supplement, routine, or procedure.

Disclaimer for Online Payments

By submitting payments through Company’s online system(s) and/or portals, you authorize Company and any of their affiliates to process your payments. You are responsible for any legal, regulatory, or banking penalties and fees that may be assessed for supplying false information to Company for use with processing payment information. Company does not warrant that the processing of online payments is error-free, or that access to and use of the payment processing system will be available or uninterrupted. There may be electronic problems that are beyond the control of Company. Despite reasonable security measures, online communications can be forwarded, intercepted, or even changed or falsified without Company’s knowledge. For further information, you may review Stripe’s, our other payment method or our 3rd party affiliate that we use for processing online payments, security protocols .

Call (732) 414-6223

Business Hours:

Monday & Wednesday: 11a-7p

Tuesday & Friday: 11a-3p

Thursday: 11a-5p

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